2022-03-31 10:21

Excursions for foreign students

This Sunday, November 14, the last excursion for foreign students of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov as part of the autumn series of sightseeing and walking events. In winter,   two excursions. 

The children plunged into the history and legends of the Patriarch's Ponds and their environs, learned a lot about the architectural features of this area, where you can see as many as seven architectural eras on one street. The tour ended at the monument to Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova on the Arbat. 

In total, three sightseeing and six walking tours were held within the framework of the project. Foreign students have become better acquainted with the history of Moscow and its regions, gained new impressions and are now familiar with the city. Thanks to field trips, the children are also familiar with the beauty of nearby places.

In December, a joint trip to the skating rink and events dedicated to Christmas are planned. Stay tuned!